We are about 85% done harvest and about 30% of our winter crop plan has been seeded. We have 3 varieties of seed canola on 4 fields to go, a barley plot, Arborg oats, & 2 fields of flax. Last week's smoke slowed us down, but we are going again! We have harvested some AAC Marvelous Flax and it has stood and yielded great for us. We had some customers trial it this season with irrigated field averages that are in the mid 60's!! It will be a hot variety this winter as bookings are starting. New Crop Malt Barley Contracts Molson Coors has been contracting the malt barley variety Bill Coors 100 for its Canadian malt program for the past few seasons. It yields very well, stands great & is very early. In 2020 our yields were in the high 140's bu per ac. New crop contracts will be available early this fall and they want to work with irrigated farms in the Southern AB region. If you are on irrigation and near the Highway 3 corridor please let me know if you may be interested, and your acres so I can put you on a list to give to Cody the new Molson Coors Rep. Sugar beets is a nice crop to have malt barley follow behind because residual nitrogen is often lower, but that is not necessary for rotation. If you are an existing BC 100 grower let Cody or myself know if you want to be on the list again and acres requested. Seeding Rates for Bill Coors 100 We tried to compare a lower rate (110 lbs) vs a higher rate (130 lbs) for seeding the BC 100 variety and it did not seem to impact maturity or yield. We thought it may because seed size is so large at 50-52 g/1000. The variety seems to tiller out very well and not need the higher rates. We may still stay on the high side but it does seem to do well at the lower rates also. AB Cattlelac 6 Row Silage &/or Feed Barley We have had really good customer success on launch year in 2020 with AB Cattlelac 6 row barley. Many took it to grain with great yields and those who silaged it were very happy with the results vs other crop types or varieties. It's a semi smooth awn, so it is good for green feeding and grazing. Those wanting to try a spring triticale for this use we do have Sunray spring triticale also. Allelopathy in Volunteer Rye We have talked to a few farms about volunteer rye next spring where they want to seed canola, there is some risk for allelopathy from the rye to impact the canola. It has been suggested to make sure the rye is fully dead well ahead of seeding the canola. If spraying do so 20 days head of seeding, if tilling there is not data but I would think a week ahead would be a good idea. CL & RR Canola Seed We have pricing available on CL & RR canola from BrettYoung let me know if you would like pricing as there are some early pay discounts. In my opinion, the top CL for our area is the 5125 CL as its yield is the best for the CL segment. It is a swathing type. For RR canola I like the 6090RR or the 6204TF (RR) if you want a TrueFlex RR canola Below: AAC Marvelous flax & Bill Coors 100 malt barley
We are about 75% done harvest and about 30% of our winter crop plan has been seeded. It has been a really good stretch of weather in our area. Irrigated wheat has been average, durum, flax & peas above average. Canola & faba beans looks to be average also. Dryland yields for early planted crops looks to be excellent in Southern Alberta.
We are cleaning peas and faba beans straight off the combine and clean test results are starting to come in on new crop pulses. We have had some customers try the AAC Marvelous flax and some field averages are in the mid 60's!! It will be a hot variety this winter. We decided to bring in a hybrid rye called Serifino from the USA, Its shorter vs Daniello and should yield more and have higher falling numbers with similar low risk for ergot as Daniello. Going forward we will be growing seed of both Daniello & Serafino. If you are considering fall crops like hybrid fall rye or winter wheat let me know! We also have KWS Propower forage type available (more details below) AFSC crop insurance deadlines for winter crops are Sept 20 for North of the Bow River and Sept 30 South of the Bow. You can seed later and still get spring crop insurance on it but you will not have winter coverage. Seeding late can be more risky if the fall is very cold like last year. There have been years where we have seeded into mid October with success but there can be more risk and you may want to increase seeding rates in October. If you feel it is dry in your area but want to seed a fall crop we have seeded into dry soil and then waited for the rain or snow to arrive to germinate it. Details on hybrid fall rye click here Wondering where to sell rye? Many brokers & grain buying companies, for milling & distilling as well as feed. The feed market is growing and can be attractive because of the big yields rye can achieve and less herbicides and fungicides needed typically. Rye is a scavenger so it is a more efficient user of nutrients and water making it yield very well for the conditions vs other crops allowing it to be competitive as a feed product. Details on feed use in Pigs, Cattle, Chicken rations Desiccation
Do you have questions about pre-harvest application on your pulse and flax crops? We have been getting a few calls and texts so I thought this email might be helpful. The biggest issue I will stress is to talk to your buyer about what they allow or do NOT want you using as a pre-harvest application as it may impact your markets. Keep It Clean has some good information as well. https://keepingitclean.ca/ Staging Guides
General Timeframes Spraying to Harvest:
Other tips:
Flax guidance: https://flaxcouncil.ca/tips_article/swathing-desiccation-and-harvest/ Again, with sensitivity around pre-harvest applications talk to buyers and look at https://keepingitclean.ca/ We have harvested our dryland peas. AAC Wildfire winter wheat & Hybrid Fall Rye for grain & forage & AAC Delhi jumbo yellow pea are on the list for this weeks harvest. Irrigating is slowing down and has stopped on some crops. While the seed plant is busy cleaning pulses and fall crops now.
Fall crop sales are really taking off ahead of normal as some land was not seeded on some areas of the prairies. Yields of the hybrid rye are making it very competitive verses other cereals on the farm. Further down the page I have details on how hybrid fall rye is sold and varieties. Pick up deals on peas for August & First 1st week of September: Below is dryland AAC Chrome Yellow pea harvest, we have clean seed awaiting testing and will have Aug & first week of Sept pickup deals on this variety. To keep the germination high we do not use grain carts and we clean seed off the combine. Yields are good, 60 - 70 bu per ac for field averages for dryland! Fall crop bookings are happening fairly fast this season, we have had some very big yields from hybrid fall rye (as high as 14 MT on dryland south of us) and chopping has been going on for almost a month as people take it at different stages.
I have been having swathing or straight cut questions on the hybrid rye and generally straight cutting is recommended. When letting stand wind storms can be a concern as it can make the heads hit together and it seems like rye takes a bit of time to finish the season. In Europe they will let these varieties stand and then harvest a couple points above dry (14%) and put on air. We don't get as much rain here typically so swathing can be an option and timing is similar to other cereals although it seems to need an extra day or two in the swath vs a winter wheat. For cover crops, or annual grazing blends or smother blends (brassicas, radishes, turnips, clovers, and more) check out the bottom of the email for details. They come in 25 kg bags and we can blend with fall or spring crops. We also sell in 50 lb or 25 kg bags sizes all the individual species. Dryland crops look big this season, some years we have been harvesting for a week or more already but this season we are a couple weeks away! Below is AAC Chrome Yellow pea on dryland: |
AuthorsBlair Balog - Seed Specialist at Stamp Seeds Archives
February 2025
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