New Crop Contracts with XPT Grain
Delhi - Jumbo Yellow Pea This variety has a large seed size and yields have been very good for customers. An organic program with this variety is also available. For conventional farmers there is a No Glyphosate for pre-harvest program as well. Chris from XPT Grain 306-209-7746 or email has put together a program for Jumbo Yellow Peas in the past few season and farms have had success working with him. CDC Dorado yellow flax is an early season, high ALA oil content variety New Crop Prices New crop yellow peas are $8 per bu at many places, that is a pretty attractive new crop price for yellow pea even some green pea growers are switching over. AAC Chrome has been out main yellow pea but AAC Delhi above has been right there with it. The Brown flax new crop options, available with Johnstons Grain look pretty good. Brand new in brown flax this year AAC Marvelous looks to be the best brown flax in the market right now. Milling oats are around $3.50 per bu new crop depending location with Johnstons Grain and the best variety of milling oats that we have seen is CDC Arborg CDC Go HRSW & CDC Copeland Malt Barley We are doing a winter season run of CDC Go and CDC Copeland. We anticipate mid February to ship it out so if you want in on some excellent quality seed of these two varieties please let me know. We don't plan to have them available for spring shipping unless demand is higher than I expect for them. Clean Seed On Hand & Ready To Ship: We have AAC Chrome & AAC Delhi Peas, FB 9-4, Fabelle & Snowbrid faba beans, Redberry & LeRoy HRS Wheat, Alloy & Succeed VB durum & AB Cattlelac 6 row barley, AAC Awesome GP soft wheat, AAC Wheatland HRSW cleaned and ready to pickup. We are now cleaning CDC Dorado yellow flax.
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Durum Options for 2021
We have had really good success with CDC Alloy Durum in the past couple seasons. It is a hollow stem durum that has Brigade & Strongfield as parents. Two seasons ago we had it yield about 2% more vs Transcend side by side. Another hollow stem durum is AAC Succeed VB with the midge resistant SM1 gene. It stands well, has large seed size and is slightly earlier vs some other varieties. Our solid stem durum is a new one this season called AAC Grainland, it is medium height and has the traditional black beards and solid stems to protect from wheat stem sawfly. Transcend is one of its parents. We have had good results with Manipulator PGR at 4-6 leaf stage (best timing is GS32) but if high fertility you may want to increase the rate or do two PGR types. We have mixed manipulator with herbicides and also used it on its own. Talk to the reps to make sure your tank mix works. I think even in dryland in a high yield situation it could add yield, even lodging is not as big of a concern, so maybe worth a trial. Launching next season we have AAC GoldNet hollow stem durum. Oats The oat market is very strong right now at $4.25 per bu with attractive new crop prices posted by Johnstons Grain. We have been growing a brand new oat called CDC Arborg. It has high test weight along with high plump seed counts. It has top yields and stands well. We have used Manipulator PGR on them for the past 3 seasons and lodging on irrigation has been manageable. We have used 25-30 plants per square foot as our target. Forage Oats The last few season we have had limited supply of forage oats called CDC Haymaker. It is the top forage oat for yield. CDC Haymaker has finer stems and better digestibility vs other oats and people have used them for double cropping or blending with forage/cover crops or on their own. Clean Seed On Hand & Ready To Ship: We have AAC Chrome & AAC Delhi Peas, FB 9-4, Fabelle, DL Rico & Snowbrid Faba beans, Redberry & LeRoy Wheat, Alloy & Succeed VB durum & AB Cattlelac 6 row barley cleaned and ready to pickup if needed. We are now cleaning AAC Awesome soft wheat with AAC Wheatland next. |
AuthorsBlair Balog - Seed Specialist at Stamp Seeds Archives
February 2025
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