The recent rains have left the crops looking nice and in crop spraying is over half done. A few people are re-seeding some flooded out spots, and we do have some oats as well as grazing cover crops available (brassicas, turnips, radish). If you did not get seeding complete we do have fall crops available now or smother blends to use up moisture and block weeds. For our summer events we are limiting event sizes to 50 people (that may expand). You must RSVP ahead of time to [email protected] as this will help us keep the size proper and have proper contact tracing available if anything were to happen. June 23 (Tuesday) Rye School July 17 (Friday) Partner Event (details closer to the day) July 28 (Tuesday) Main Summer Crop Tour - We will run 2 times of the same tour that day Hybrid Fall Rye Grain & Forage School - CCA Credits! Tuesday, June 23rd, 2020 - Enchant, AB We are limiting event sizes to 50 people so you must RSVP ahead of time to [email protected] See flyer below for details. Main Event - Summer Tour - CCA Credits! Tuesday, July 28th, 2020 - Enchant, AB Two Start Times, 9 am & 1 pm We are limiting event sizes to 50 people so you must RSVP ahead of time to [email protected] See flyer below for details. Cover Crops: The uptake on cover crops for grazing, forage use or blending is increasing each year. There are many different options including blends to be seeded on their own, mixed with cereals, or to put into an aging forage stand Please order weeks or a month or more early as we may not stock enough for your field size or the blend you need. We do have some Italian ryegrass on hand and 50+ other types of cover crops. TG blend options at the bottom of this email. Forages Oat and barley supplies are tight this season so if needing something for this summer let me know so I can find more if we are out. Another option is seeding a fall crop now to graze/cut as a grass crop this summer and then to overwinter for next spring for grazing, silage, etc. Rye crops are early to head out, and will regrow if cut before flowering. The hybrid rye will regrow faster and produce more tonnage compared to other fall crops. Some people are seeding May onwards to use this season and then next. Fall rye will not head out this year but will head next season and we have some hybrid fall rye inventory on hand. Hybrid Fall Rye Grain & Forage School Tuesday, June 23th, 2020 - Enchant, AB Location: 6.5 Miles West & 4 Miles South of Enchant on RR 195 & TWP 134 - Google Maps Link 10:00 am Refreshments 10:15 am Hybrid Fall Rye – KWS Daniello & KWS Propower (example plants on site to look at) Greg Stamp - Agronomy, Ergot Reduction, Forage Use Tips & Uses for Hybrid Fall Rye Becca Brattain & Claus Nymand - KWS Forage & Grain Specialist Via Call For Questions Monica Klaas - Agronomist, Western Winter Wheat Initiative CCA Credits will be available We are limiting event sizes to 50 people You must RSVP ahead of time to [email protected] Main Event - Summer Tour
Tuesday, July 28th, 2020 - Enchant, AB Two Start Times, 9 am & 1 pm Location: 1.5 Miles West of Enchant & 2 Miles North (RR190 & TWP 144) - Google Maps Link 9:00 am & 1:00 pm Refreshments 9:15 am & 1:15 pm Variety Yield Trial at 25 & 40 Plants Per Sq Foot, Half with PGR & Fungicide
Dorado Yellow Flax Arborg Milling Oat Wildfire Winter Wheat Bill Coors 100 Malt Barley - Agronomy & Seeding Rate Trial New Durum - GoldNet New HRSW - Russel VB New Winter Wheat - Network New Barley - TR18647 Yellow Pea (plants to be brought to the site) – Chrome, Lacross Forage, Delhi Jumbo Faba Bean (plants to be brought to the site) - Fabelle, DL Rico, FB 9-4, Snowbird CCA Credits will be available We are limiting event sizes to 50 people You must RSVP ahead of time to [email protected]
Original writing date was May 22
We are nearing the end of seeding at over 95% complete, and seed shipping is similar. It has been a fairly constant spring, moisture is better compared to the previous spring and we received 3" of rain as of yesterday and low areas are starting to flood. COVID19 has not impacted our seed shipping as badly as we feared, however our office is still not open to visitors. Cover Crops: The uptake on cover crops for grazing, forage use or blending is increasing each year. There are many options including blends to be seeded on their own, mixed with cereals, or to put into an aging forage stand Please order weeks or a month or more early as we may not stock enough for your field size or the blend you need. We do have some Italian ryegrass on hand and 50+ other types of cover crops. Forages Oat and barley supplies are tight this season so if needing something for this summer let me know so I can find more if we are out. Another option is seeding a fall crop now to graze/cut as a grass crop this summer and then to overwinter for next spring for grazing, silage, ect. Rye crops are early to head out, and will regrow if cut before flowering. The hybrid rye will regrow faster and produce more tonnage compared to other fall crops. Some people are seeding May onwards to use this season and then next. Fall rye will not head out this year but will head next season and we have some hybrid fall rye inventory on hand. Shipping We have had great success with winter shipping to get seed on your farm as soon as it's ready to ship as well by farmers using a seed bin for treated seed. We are constantly making changes so we can better serve our customers in a timely and efficient manner. To ensure that our customers are not delayed, and we can space people out, and possibly set conveyors up before hand, it helps to know who is arriving a head of time. Please give the office or Greg a heads up with a call or text. This also ensures that our customers are not delayed. Thank you to all who have been doing this already. In addition please also let us know ahead of time if you need us to treat the seed so we can have product on hand and how the billing will be split up to make pickups smoother during the busy season. Foaming Clubroot Cleaning Solution We have been approached by a company who has a foaming wash cleaner effective for clubroot, we are deciding if we will have enough customers interested in the product? Let me know if you would be. Thinking Hybrid Fall Rye This Season? We have has customers with yields of 30-50% above traditional fall rye and over other cereal crops on similar conditions. Grain: KWS Daniello Hybrid Fall Rye is the top grain variety. Ergot risk was lowest in the KWS Daniello. Forage: KWS Propower Hybrid Fall Forage Rye is the top yielding hybrid rye for forage. People have used it on both dryland and irrigation. Hybrid Fall Rye Hybrid fall rye is sold by the unit, 1 unit is 1 million viable seeds. Farmers target 0.8 of a unit per ac. If the crop is for forage use, organics, or you are seeding late in the fall the use rate could increase. The amount of lbs per unit will change depending on the seed lot due to germination and seed size. Most seed lots are between 70-90 lbs per unit (56-80 lbs per ac use rate) We can fill tote bags and usually have some in the warehouse ready to sell in 28 unit bag sizes (35 ac) Even flowering timing is critical to reduce ergot risk so even seeding depth, slow seeding speeds and any residue management ahead of time is important. Hybrid fall rye:
AuthorsBlair Balog - Seed Specialist at Stamp Seeds Archives
February 2025
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