Below: The yield difference was about 5 bu per ac across the scales and the Chrome pea averaged 95 bu per ac! ![]() We survived mega winter! Shipping and cleaning slowed down a bit this past week as we fell into the deep freeze. We participated in the Irrigated Crop Production Update in Lethbridge and talked to a number of customers. In the office we are completing spec sheets for shipping, doing paperwork and booking seed in for people. I will be at Farm Tech this week so if you want to visit at the show let me know. This post will go over new yellow pea varieties, the hot green pea market, as well as jumbo yellow peas and maple pea contract opportunities. For our entire listing of varieties available or click here Pea Varieties AAC Chrome - Yellow pea Our new yellow pea that we dropped CDC Inca and AAC Lacombe for is AAC Chrome. It showed so well for us the past few seasons that we knew it would be in high demand as it won most of the regional variety trials in the province. It stands very well, yields 4-5% better than our past top variety and has good seed coat integrity to reduce splitting risk. We did not see seed shatter on the ground when over ripe as well. AAC Chrome will be a variety you need to try if you are a pea grower. AAC Liscard - Maple Pea AAC Liscard has been on the market for a couple seasons and customers keep telling me it stands as good as a yellow pea and yields as well also! The seed size is small on AAC Liscard. The maple pea market is a smaller market and has been very hot in the past few seasons. The maple pea market has slowed a little bit right now but new crop contracts look to be better than yellow peas at this time. Your local pulse buyer may be contracting this variety or you can contract with Chris from XPT Grain 306-209-7746 Abarth - Jumbo Yellow This variety has large size and yields have been very good for customers. He also does an organic program with this variety. There may be a small amount of a new replacement variety available called AAC Delhi this season. Chris from XPT Grain 306-209-7746 has put together a program for jumbo yellow peas in the past few season and farms have had success working with him. Below AAC Delhi on the right: CDC Spruce - Green Pea We had planned on having Greenwater Green Pea but our germination was poor so we will have CDC Spruce available. It is early and high yielding. There is very little green pea seed in the marketplace so if you need green pea seed or are contracting with a buyer get seed ASAP. ![]() AAC Liscard maple pea::
![]() Happy New Year! While the weather has been good, we are doing a small update to our seed plant as well as treating seed. We have shipped 11 loads of treated and bare in the first 7 days of the year! We like to treat in -5 or warmer conditions if we can so Chinooks are welcome. Austenson 2 row Barley & Viewfield HRSW went out over the past 10 days treated, as well as some bare seed lots. We are keeping busy working on employee reviews and additional shipping and seed cleaning. We will have a booth at the Irrigation Update in Lethbridge on January 14 & 15th, and I will be speaking on PGR use on irrigation at the event. For our listings of varieties available click here Durum Varieties AAC Succeed VB Our new variety this season is AAC Succeed VB. It is a midge tolerant variety (CDC Alloy is the refuge) meaning you can only save seed back one year off certified to preserve the midge resistance. The main reason we decided to grow it even though it had a few rules to follow was yield, standability and maturity. In registration trials it was 12-15% over checks (Strongfield) but I expect it to about 2% over top varieties on the market right now. It is one day earlier vs Strongfield meaning up to 3 days earlier vs Transcend. Its medium height, has a MS rating for FHB. CDC Alloy CDC Alloy has become a nice replacement for Spitfire for many of our customers. When registered was 10-13% over checks (Strongfield) and a few customers had it yield 2-5% more vs Spitfire in 2019. It has a MS rating for FHB and in 2018 we had it out yield Transcend side by side by 2%. Parent lines of Alloy are Strongfield & Brigade CDC Precision An industry standard now, CDC Precision when registered showed 10-18% yield advantage over checks. Many customers still use precision as their main durum variety. It also has a MS for FHB with good grade retention. Verona is one of its parent lines. ![]()
AuthorsBlair Balog - Seed Specialist at Stamp Seeds Archives
February 2025
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