Our PGR School went well, with about 40 people joining us. Recordings of our online events are posted here.
Seed treating and shipping has been steady over the past 2 weeks with the great weather. Unfortunately we did have 3 pivot corner arms collapse in the wind last week and some bin damage. Malt Barley School Wednesday at 7pm Topic: Malt Barley Agronomy for Bill Coors 100 Barley & Molson Coors Malt Program for 2021 Learn about malt barley varieties, agronomy, & Molson Coors malt program in Alberta. Dr Bob Brunick - Barley Breeder with Molson Coors Cody Shick - Alberta representative for 2021 malt contracts Greg Stamp - Seed Sales for Bill Coors 100 malt barley seed Time: Jan 27, 2021 07:00 PM Edmonton Place meeting in your Calendar Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84432618732?pwd=SHAzL1kwTmcyYm1PdkdzNVNLNUZ6dz09 Meeting ID: 844 3261 8732 Passcode: 1 Please email [email protected] or call Cody Shick at 406-697-3838 if you are interested in Bill Coors 100 Malt Barley. At the present time the contracts are only for Southern Alberta on irrigation. Feed Grains, Durum, Flax, & Peas selling well! What to grow in 2021? New crop prices flax, peas, durum, and feed grains look very good and that means seed sales are very strong and supplies won't last long. Cereals we have that sell into the feed market include: SWGP AAC Awesome VB - GP soft wheat with top yields SWSW AAC Paramount VB - SWSW with excellent yields GP Wheat - KWS Alderon - GP red wheat with top yields Barley 6 row feed / silage - AB Cattlelac Barley 2 row feed - CDC Austenson Triticale - Sunray Need A Versatile Silage Option? Sunray spring triticale had massive yields for us in 2020. At 148 bu per ac for field averages beating our soft wheat. This would translate into silage yield very well. In 2019 (drought year) it was grown on dryland and yielded about 40% more vs durum beside it. Triticale can tolerate tougher soil and drought conditions because of its more fibrous root system. Clean Seed On Hand & Ready To Ship: We have AAC Chrome & AAC Delhi Peas, FB 9-4, Fabelle & Snowbrid Faba Beans, Redberry & LeRoy VB HRS Wheat, Alloy & Succeed VB Durum & AB Cattlelac 6 Row Barley, AAC Awesome GP Soft Wheat, AAC Wheatland HRSW, CDC Dorado Yellow / Golden Flax & CDC Austenson 2 Row Barley, Bill Coors 100 Malt Barley, Sunray spring triticale, cleaned and ready to pickup. We are now cleaning AAC Marvelous Brown Flax and hope to have clean results back on the first week of February. Next on the list is AAC Paramount VB soft wheat and then Esma 2 Row Barley. Winter Evening Sessions I plan to host evening events over the next couple months. So far we have a rough plan in place (subject to change so look for an email the week of the event with more detailed descriptions and Zoom links. Wed Feb 3 - John Kolk - Strip tillage - a discussion on advantages, challenges, and group brainstorming & Q/A on how to improve crop management around strip tillage. Wed Feb 10 - Becca Brattain PhD - KWS US Country Manager for Cereals - Hybrid fall rye agronomy and grain feed & forage use Mon or Tues Feb 22 or 23 - Doug Manzer PhD, Senior Scientist & Wildlife Program Manager with Alberta Conservation Association - Intensive Farming While Creating Wildlife Habitat (Stamp Seeds farms land directly around this project Doug has worked with) March 3 - Harold Perry & Florian Dieker of Perry Produce (Irrigation farm at Chin Alberta rotating Potatoes, Beets, Cereals, Corn, Peas and more) - Cover Crops Amongst Intensive Cropping Systems - benefits, challenges along with a discussion time after. Mid March - Flax School
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I hope you have had a good Christmas season and a Happy New Year!
Below is the link for our Manipulator PGR School. Looking forward to seeing you Wednesday evening at 7:00pm. It's been a nice winter so far, with highs of +10° and very little snow on the ground. We have been keeping busy shipping high volumes of seed out. As well as taking advantage of the warm temperatures has kept our seed treatment plant busy. We like to treat when its over -5°C in the winter, the grain temperature is normally 5°-15°C. Any colder and the risk of flaking off or treatment not fully drying the seed could be worse. We are treating a bit of durum seed this week and have some AAC Redberry HRSW & Chrome Yellow Peas shipping out. This is the time we are also servicing pivots, working on machinery, planning for next seasons crops and employee needs as well as doing employee evaluations. If you know of someone looking for seasonal or flexible work or even full time send them to our employment page. On the Seed side we are needing help for:
On the Farming side we often need seasonal people in:
For the right person we have had 1-2 month options for people who want flexibility in what they want to do in their summer or fall time. Most crop sales seem normal other than flax and lentils are up vs some years. We are seeing more feed wheat types sold, such as soft wheats, CPS & triticale but barley sales seem to be near normal. Manipulator PGR School Wednesday Evening Topic: Manipulator PGR School Time: Jan 13, 2021 07:00 PM Alberta Time Jamie Stringam from Belchim Canada joins us to talk about how to use manipulator on your farm and how it can impact your crops. Add to your calendar: Outlook Calendar (.ics) Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81112155457?pwd=TkZLeU1MY2d5eUpqeTJ5WUJTRHlVUT09 Meeting ID: 811 1215 5457 Passcode: 1 Clean Seed On Hand & Ready To Ship: We have AAC Chrome & AAC Delhi Peas, FB 9-4, Fabelle & Snowbrid faba beans, Redberry & LeRoy HRS Wheat, Alloy & Succeed VB durum & AB Cattlelac 6 row barley, AAC Awesome GP soft wheat, AAC Wheatland HRSW, CDC Dorado Yellow / Golden flax & CDC Austenson 2 row barley, Bill Coors 100 Malt Barley cleaned and ready to pickup. We are now cleaning CDC Rowland brown flax (available this coming fall) with Sunray spring triticale next on the cleaning list. We have updated our cover crops page on our website with more detailed pictures and timings and blend options. New Crop Contracts New Crop Contracts with XPT Grain Delhi - Jumbo Yellow Pea This variety has a large seed size and yields have been very good for customers. An organic program with this variety is also available. For conventional farmers there is a No Glyphosate for pre-harvest program as well. Chris from XPT Grain 306-209-7746 or email has put together a program for Jumbo Yellow Peas in the past few season and farms have had success working with him. CDC Dorado yellow flax is an early season, high ALA oil content variety New Crop Prices New crop yellow peas are $8 per bu at many places, that is a pretty attractive new crop price for yellow pea even some green pea growers are switching over. AAC Chrome has been out main yellow pea but AAC Delhi above has been right there with it. The Brown flax new crop options, available with Johnstons Grain look pretty good. Brand new in brown flax this year AAC Marvelous looks to be the best brown flax in the market right now. Milling oats are around $3.50 per bu new crop depending location with Johnstons Grain and the best variety of milling oats that we have seen is CDC Arborg Barley I have heard of over $5+ per bu on new crop feed prices. CDC Go HRSW & CDC Copeland Malt Barley We are doing a winter season run of CDC Go and CDC Copeland. We anticipate mid February to ship it out so if you want in on some excellent quality seed of these two varieties please let me know. We don't plan to have them available for spring shipping unless demand is higher than I expect for them. New for Spring 2021 HRS Wheat:
HWSW: AAC Cirrus - Top hard white wheat Durum. AAC Grainland - Solid stem with top yields Lentil: CDC Lima CL - Large green CL lentil Kabuli Chickpea: CDC Palmer Better disease package, medium to long season Flax: Brown - AAC Marvelous Flax - Top flax yields while standing well Jumbo Yellow Pea: AAC Delhi - Specialty markets and contracts available Forage Pea: DL Lacross - Early & top yields Green Pea: CDC Forest - Top green pea, early - medium season Faba Bean:
AuthorsBlair Balog - Seed Specialist at Stamp Seeds Archives
February 2025
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