J.P Gervais led off the Pulse & Special Crops Convention in Banff on September 27 2023 with a nice recap of global economics related to agriculture. Some notes:
My favourite line from J.P.'s talk was that "trade reduces poverty and inequality = resilient and safer world" and i think that predictable and rules based trade is a key part!
We were fortunate to attend an event with J.P. Gervais this week in Calgary thanks to Farm Credit Canada. Below are some pictures of his presentation and my commentary and notes from his presentation:
Are you considering increasing you farms brand presence? Here are some tips for engaging your audience and telling your story!
https://www.seedworld.com/captivating-your-audience-3-critical-ideas-for-engaging-content-creation/ When do cover crops release nutrients and how can you benefit from the cover crop? Details here: https://fieldcropnews.com/2023/06/when-do-cover-crops-with-and-without-manure-applied-release-nitrogen-that-can-be-used-for-my-corn-crop/ Link to cover crop seed: Cover Crops
A chickpea & flax intercrop can reduce Ascochyta blight risk significantly! Details below: https://canadianagronomist.ca/intercropping-chickpea-flax-reduces-ascochyta-blight/
Farmer Coach has an interesting blog on farm efficiencies, costs and the future of new machinery:
https://farmercoach.ca/iron-disease/ Article about irrigation water risks for the 2024 season
https://www.producer.com/crops/alta-irrigators-survived-23-but-24-remains-dire/ AFSC crop insurance used to have hard deadlines for fall crop seeding of Sept 20th for North of the Bow River and Sept 30 for South of the Bow River. This has changed to just a recommendation a few years ago but generally adhering to those deadlines is the best practice. A good 2 week forecast can be a good indication of how late you can seed.In very dry situations we have seeded into dry soil aiming to have no seeds germinate allowing for a later but even germination or swelling of the seed when an October snowstorm eventually hits the field.
Seeding rates should be on the upper end of the chart as you seed later to make the crop fill in faster as you will get limited fall tillering with a later seeded crop. Hybrid fall rye benefits the most from tillering in the fall. Did you know you can get paid to grow a fall rye, winter wheat, or winter triticale? Click here for details. Farmer Coach has an interesting blog on farm efficiencies, costs and the future of new machinery:
https://farmercoach.ca/iron-disease/ Canterra Canola - Straight Cut & Great pricing for October Bookings Canterra Canola has an amazing lineup of varieties that performed well in 2023. Below are trial results from around Raymond where TruFlex varieties were compared against one another and another trial comparing LibertyLink varieties. All of these lines below are pod protect and can be straight cut. We can get you the best pricing in the marketplace! TruFlex Trial: https://canterra.com/performance/trials/2023-raymond-core-ag/ LibertyLink Trial: https://canterra.com/performance/trials/2023-raymond-core-ag-ll/ Below are our top picks in no order for varieties to grow in 2024: CS 4000 LL – High yielding LibertyLink Canola Hybrid with clubroot and blackleg resistance and excellent straight cut performance. CS3100 TF – High yielding, full maturity TruFlex Canola Hybrid featuring PodProtect for excellent pod shatter protection. Full disease package with excellent blackleg and clubroot resistance CS 3000TF – Mid maturity TruFlex Canola Hybrid with excellent yield potential. Strong disease package with multigenic blackleg and 2nd generation clubroot resistance CS2600 CR-T – Early season TruFlex Canola Hybrid with excellent yield potential. There will be a NEW LibertyLink variety with PodProtect releasing for the coming season as well. More to come with this one! Early booking deadlines are below and they are hard deadlines as we need to enter a customer to achieve these discounts.
Contact Blair Balog at 403-634-4349 (call or text) or [email protected] for pricing or for any questions! Winter crops such as winter wheat and hybrid fall rye can produce a bit more straw per ac compared to spring wheats. If you are on dryland and need the straw that can help you, and on irrigation if selling straw, the winter crops can make you more $ per ac.
The price of winter wheat / feed wheat is pretty close to CWRS this fall making winter wheat look pretty good in this chart. Winter wheat yields can be 20% more vs spring wheats as well. The straw yield can be about double that of spring wheat due to taller plants and more tillers. Thanks to Mitch Bos for helping me with these numbers. Straw does have a nutrient value, here are links to information on that: https://www.grainews.ca/columns/selling-nutrients-the-last-straw/ https://www.albertawheatbarley.com/the-growing-point/articles-library/cereal-straw-a-hidden-value-on-your-farm?setcommission=alberta-wheat Below is a comparison on maturities between Centennial brown mustard (Left) and AAC Brown 18 hybrid brown mustard (Right).
These two varieties were compared under irrigation, but on dryland those extra days the hybrid brown mustard has over centennial could help keep quality and yield in the bitter days of summer! Check out our 2024 lineup and let Blair know if you have questions:
Blair Balog: Cell: 403-634-4349 (calls & text) Office: 403-739-2233 Email: [email protected] If you have some time, you can watch this YouTube presentation we hosted about hybrid fall rye. Some changes may include varieties and the 1 unit per ac is the new suggested use rate.
https://youtu.be/hOHOmEFZhIM We have talked to a few customers and agronomists who have mentioned field preparation was more important than they first thought. They noticed that a tillage with a harrow packer pass allowed for better germination and more even crop.
If the fall crop seeding is early enough it may make sense to spend time to make sure there is not heavy residue in spots from combines stopping, water up, volunteer barley or hailed crop and make sure you can kill it before your fall crop is seeded or is up. As seed companies learn more about fall rye use, it seems 1 unit (1 million viable seeds per ac = 23 seeds target) is becoming the standard use rate. On tougher years it would allow for more plant loss before a crop is unfit and help advance fall growth faster when seeding September 10th onward in S AB or Sept 1 onward in other areas. If seeding late August 0.8 of a unit may still be ok as it will have time to tiller.
This fall there is a winter cereals incentive program where you get paid to grow a winter crop. (Rye, Winter Wheat, Triticale). See Flyer below with details.
The idea is that if you grow 30% more of any winter cereals over and above your previous year you can receive $20/acre. Production size for the program is minimum 60 ac. and maximum 250 ac per farm. Email [email protected] for more information and to let her know what you are planning. Winter Crop Varieties Available Now KWS Serafino Hybrid Fall Rye - ready to ship, Top yielding grain (with low ergot) & top forage hybrid fall rye! Forage trial info here AC Hazlet Traditional Fall Rye AAC Wildfire Winter Wheat Tadeus Fall Triticale New! - yields and stands great! Barley for cover crop to hold soil Imperial Seeds cover crop blends (Fall Grazer is a popular one). Please order well ahead of needing so we have it in place for you. https://www.imperialseed.com/production Call Blair Balog: Cell: 403-634-4349 (calls & text) Email: [email protected] Office: 403-739-2233 With irrigation water restrictions being a concern for next season, I have heard some people planning to grow a winter crop to reduce next seasons irrigation needs. Fall crops can take advantage of the March and April snow and help reduce total water needs for next season. Hybrid fall rye is a more efficient user of water and fertility mainly because of their fibrous root system, here is a chart comparing fall crops https://www.stampseeds.com/hybrid-fall-rye.html
We harvested our fall crops grain yield trials for fall crops and have the chart below.
AAC Coldfront winter wheat was pretty close to Wildfire in the demo but in our seed production fields we saw about 5-7% advantage for the Coldfront over Wildfire. Coldfront is available next summer. The SU Cossani and SU Performer hybrid fall rye are available next summer as well and did well in the demo. Keep in mind that the standard bu weight for Triticale is 52, Rye 56, and winter wheat is 60 lbs per bu, so look at the lbs per ac number for direct comparisons of weight. KWS Serafino Hybrid Fall Rye - ready to ship, Top yielding grain (with low ergot) & top forage hybrid fall rye! Forage trial info here AC Hazlet Traditional Fall Rye AAC Wildfire Winter Wheat Tadeus Fall Triticale New! - yields and stands great! For Seed Call Blair Balog: Cell: 403-634-4349 (calls & text) Email: [email protected] Office: 403-739-2233 |
AuthorsBlair Balog - Seed Specialist at Stamp Seeds Archives
January 2025
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