We are starting to put signs up, and are happy to put one on your field, so let us know the land location or send a google pin if you want one.
We will be hosting our Fall Crop Tour on Tuesday, June 21st at 9:00 - 11:30 am Location is 1.5 miles West of Enchant & 1.5 miles North on RR 190, or use this Google pin We will be looking at hybrid fall rye, traditional rye, winter wheat, winter barley (a mostly failed plot). We will be talking grain production, forage use and cover crop planning. We are starting to get a few calls about fall crop bookings, and still shipping cover crops, forages (alfalfa & grasses), as well as oats. If you plan to double crop oats or barley let us know ASAP as supplies will not be as good this year vs most years. If you still have some acres you are looking to fill in, we still have some seed:
Grasses, Alfalfa, Blends, Cover Crops We have been working with Imperial Seed on alfalfa, grasses, blends, & cover crop mixes. https://imperialseed.com shows all the product available to us, please order weeks early so we can make sure it's on time for you. Summer Tour Date Save the Date. Our main summer tour will be held Tuesday July 26th. More details to follow. Thanks for reading, see below for Blair's Intorduction. Greg
It's still very dry in our area! We are done seeding and the irrigation acres have pivots rolling. Fall rye and winter wheat in crop spraying is complete. If you still have some acres you are looking to fill in, we still have some seed:
New Seed Sales Specialist: I am excited to introduce our new Seed Sales Specialist - Blair Balog, please see his full introduction below (lower in this email)Blair Balog: Cell: 403-634-4349 (calls & text) Office: 403-739-2233 Email: [email protected] Blair is our corn expert and has a number of grain and silage corn trials in the ground with cooperator farmers. He does have some walk up bags of corn seed available if you want to try a few this spring. Blair and I will be teaming up on all crop sales as well so you can contact either of us for your seed needs. Double Crop Forage Options If you do need some double cropping forage options do book early as many seed lots will not be as available as normal. Link to the varieties page on our website Grasses, Alfalfa, Blends, Cover Crops We have been working with Imperial Seed on alfalfa, grasses, blends, & cover crop mixes. https://imperialseed.com shows all the product available to us, please order weeks early so we can make sure it's on time for you. Acre Projections I think pea acres and barley acres will be down a little bit this season based on talking to farmers across the prairies. The wheat and canola markets being strong and barley not taking the drought well last season will help that happen. The late start in some areas may cause peas to be reduced as well. Summer Tour Dates We will be hosting our winter wheat & hybrid fall rye tour & info day Tuesday June 21st. Our main summer tour will be held Tuesday July 26th. More details to follow.. Below: Greg Stamp in AAC Network winter wheat & Blair Balog in a new winter triticale variety
Delayed post written early April:
It is very dry here! We started seeding AAC Awesome VB SWGP on dryland on April 1 and also have our irrigated CDC 219-16 faba beans in the ground. We will be closed this Friday, April 15th for Easter. New Seed Sales Specialist: I am excited to introduce our new Seed Sales Specialist - Blair Balog, please see his full introduction and below (lower in this email)Blair Balog: Cell: 403-634-4349 (calls & text) Office: 403-739-2233 Email: [email protected] Seed Ideas 2022 Sales of HRSW has picked up recently, Durum sales seem up slightly and some forecasts indicate more acres. Barley sales seems the slow one this spring, maybe it was the heat/drought impact on that crop last year that has people avoiding it. GP/Soft wheats (AAC Paramount VB / AAC Awesome VB) soft wheat seems slow considering how tight the feed wheat spread is to HRSW with a large yield bump vs HRSW. On barley if you are in a medium to higher moisture area we have two European style 2 row barleys that can significantly out yield normal barley varieties and also have better standability with shorter straw. Sirish - a malt on the AFSC list, can push it with fertility, stands well. Esma - yields very well with equal management to traditional varieties. Flax sales have been strong and acres of brown and yellow will be up. Mustard sales of all types have been strong. Corn sales are up this season after some strong results last year with Thunder Seed varieties. Oat acres will be up this season, and oat seed for forage or cover crops, double crops will be short as seed supplies across the prairies were very low. Many people are using barley this spring as a cover before seeding specialty crops as it can tolerate edge herbicide. I have a few very nice seed lots for cover crop barley. If you do need some double cropping forage options do book early as many seed lots will not be as available as normal. Link to the varieties page on our website Thanks, for reading, see below for Blair's Intorduction. |
AuthorsBlair Balog - Seed Specialist at Stamp Seeds Archives
February 2025
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